An Exercise in Terror..A Romp through McCarthyism
Overview: In 1947, Joseph McCarthy was elected to the United States Senate. He came from the important mid-western state, Wisconsin. An unknown on the stage of national politics, Joe came, quietly, onto the scene. At first, the junior senator was at odds, trolling around looking for a cause. He wanted to escape obscurity--which wasn't easy for the new kid on the block. An important bill to be supported? Brown nosing with the other members of his party? Nope, not sexy enough. It was not long before his sights locked on potentially combustible subject: ferreting out so-called "Fifth Columnists," or other suspected subversives. This had been the main mission of the so-called House Unamerican Activities Committee...since the late 1930s.. No, I am not kidding about the name Joe was able to maneuver his way on to this body. So. Where oh where would one look for miniature Stalin wannabes? Well, anywhere: radio, telev...