
Showing posts from May, 2024

'Do You Deny then, Mr. Chivington, that you're a vicious psycho hose beast?' No sir, Mr. Congressman sir, I swear I didn't know there was anyone there! The tragic massacre at Sand Creek, 1864.

What images come to your mind, when you dream of the American West, Dear Reader? Something like this? I know that this is one of the more recognized fantasies about the western experience.  Hopefully by now, we all know that this depiction is COMPLETE bulls*&t. THERE WERE ALREADY PEOPLE THERE, FOLKS. When I think of the American western experience, I always have these images in my head: For my druthers, I prefer pictures like the above.  Images that compel impressions of space and wild beauty. Buffalo, coupled (of course) with that endless sky.  Whenever I think about the American West, I think poetically.  I think tectonically.  It's impossible to gage this landscape against the span of a single human life.  But, that is essentially what we have to do here, isn't it Dear Reader? We must create condensed sketches of larger events, even if those happenings are tragic in nature.    Which brings us to Sand Creek. The events surrounding the Massacre at Sand Creek began in Novem

Hitler's Orcs Do Lunch: Ler's go to McDonalds and plan genocide! What do you know about the Wansee Conference?

WARNING!! THE FOLLOWING ENTRY DETAILS HORRIFIC EVENTS.  I will be writing in my usual irreverent style, so if you're offended by my treatment of one of the worst events of WW2, THEN PLEASE DON'T READ ANY FURTHER. ABSOLUTELY NO OFFENSE TO THOSE LIVING OR DEAD IS INTENDED. Proceed at your own risk then, Dear Reader. Okie dokie then...shall we begin? So, Dear Reader, what do you know about the brunch/lunch, where high ranking officials in the Nazi regime planned the extinction of an entire race? First, I'm gonna give you some links to a couple of films that replicate this nightmare meeting: "Conspiracy" with Kenneth Brannaugh, and Stanley Tucci:    or, you could watch this one--a German language version of the same conference (it's even scarier than Kenneth's movie): In our last episode, ( ) we left the Morlock